
2024臺灣國際地熱論壇 2/21Workshop 513會議室

  • 發布日期:2024/3/8 上午 10:38:22
  • 資料來源:本站
  • 點閱次數:122 次
Taiwan International Geothermal Conference 2024 2024/02/21 Workshop(Room 513) 2024臺灣國際地熱論壇_02/21Workshop 513會議室課程: 1. Baker Hughes Streamlined Geothermal Solution_ Baker Hughes / Christovik Simatupang, Geothermal Advisor 2. Geothermal energy reserves assessment auditing and reporting, what guidelines can be used_ Gaffney Cline (a Baker Hughes co.) / Pauline Svoboda, Senior Adviser, Energy Consultancy 3. GEOTHERMAL ENERGY as a SOLUTION for ENERGY and CLIMATE PROBLEMS_ Halliburton / Aleksandr Geraskin, Well Engineer 4. ONE STOP SHOP FOR A GEOTHERMAL PROJECT_ Geothermal Resources Group / Mr.Sami Atalay, Senior Drilling Engineer 5. Geothermal Reservoir Modelling and Resource Assessment_ University of Auckland / John O'Sullivan, Co-Director 6. Identifying Steam Reservoirs with Seismic Tomography_ LBNL / Dr. Lawrence Hutchings, Retired Project Seismologist 7. Challenges and possible solutions for superhot geothermal well integrity_ SINTEF Norway / Dr. Hieu Nguyen Hoang, Senior Scientist 8. Geothermal Exploration in Taiwan Using AI 地熱探勘台灣AI進行式_ Science and Technology Research Institute for DE-Carbonization (STRIDE-C), NTU / Huang Chun-Ming, PhD student